The Deno 2.0 announcement mentions many cool new features. I’m still working through things in the blog post, but something as simple as using the npm: specifier will be great for writing one-off scripts using Typescript and any number of great packages in the NPM ecosystem.
For example, here’s a quick script that uses chalk to colorize the args to a index.ts
script. With Deno installed, it’s as simple as running with:
deno run --allow-env --allow-read index.ts The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
import { parseArgs } from "jsr:@std/cli/parse-args";
import chalk from "npm:chalk@5.3.0";
const message = parseArgs(Deno.args)._;
const colorMsg = (words: string[]): void => {
let i = 0;
// chalk, why you no support the Roy G. Biv!?
const colors = [
// "orange",
// "indigo",
// "violet",
const coloredWords = => {
const color = chalk[colors[i]];
i = (i + 1) % colors.length;
return color(word);
console.log(coloredWords.join(" "));