Category: Uncategorized
SVG recordings of Terminal Sessions
I recently stumbled on this cool technique from Wasim Lorgat for creating SVG documents of terminal sessions using asciinema and svg-term-cli:
Using Sed to Update PHP Short tags
Why not use the power of Sed to quickly replace PHP short tags? sed ‘s:
Using Vagrant for WordPress Development
Creating WordPress Plugins and Themes is a fairly easy process. However, creating a new WP site on a local machine can be fairly tedious. Add to this the individual quirks of servers, and the setup differences between local and production environments and and you start to appreciate the benefits of a real sand-boxed solution. The…
Importing OVF Files Into Virtualbox
In order to quickly create a new WordPress virtual machine, download a new appliance from Turnkey Linux’s WordPress page. For this specific post, download the ‘zip’ file from the ‘OVF’ link. Once downloaded, unzip the file and hack away! See the screenshots for a quick overview, or dive in and read the article.
A Case for Virtual Machines
When Tinkering Gets Out of Hand As a content management system, WordPress excels at tracking your content. By simply applying a new theme, the feeling and tone of the underlying content can be perceived in new and expressive ways. So, what do you do when you’re ready to go beyond tweaking a few lines in…