Category: Tools
Installing OBS Studio on Linux
OBS Studio is a popular open-source video recording and live-streaming software. It’s available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. This blog post will focus on installing OBS Studio on Linux. There are several ways to install OBS Studio on Linux. One of the easiest methods is through the official OBS Studio PPA (Personal Package…
Process for Building a Find Command
While I was setting up logrotate on a server, I needed to traverse a large user directory to find all of the log files, ideally sorted by their size, excluding the mail directory. This is how I built up the command.
WP Asciinema Plugin
I created a plugin called WP Asciinema to help add Asciicasts created using to WordPress. This is plugin is meant to help self-host asciicasts on your WordPress site. If you are simply wanting to include asciicasts from, then take a look at their embedding guidelines. Usage This plugin adds a shortcode to help display the…
Bash Scripts to Help Get Remote Databases
A collection of bash scripts to help automate retrieval of remote databases and importing them into a based virtual machine.
Vim Learning Resources
It’s been just under two years since I made the switch to using Vim full time. Here are some resources that helped me become proficient when using it.